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Hungama Festival 2022
Hungama Festival   Visualize entering a room where there are lots of colors, chatter in different languages, music, smells of food, children playing and many different people who are busy bringing as much as possible in 2-3 hours . An arena where cultures meet. The Hungama Festival provides an opportunity for all children and young [...]
Sanskrit and Vedant
I have always believed that all of the art forms are an expression of our emotions. Some people like to write, sing, paint, dance and some act. For me, the easiest way to express and connect to a higher power has been through dance and mainly through Kathak. The name Kathak comes from the Sanskrit [...]
Swan Lake with Indian Dance – Indian Rhythms
Swan Lake with Indian Dance The Swan Lake is set up every year, by several institutions and most often in ballet, since it is a ballet composed by PjotrTsjajkovskij. We wanted to present Swan Lake with Indian dance. The purpose is to spread more knowledge about Indian classical and traditional dance by using both the [...]